Terms & Conditions
- Market Hours 7am till 2pm
- Casuals requiring a site for Saturday Markets can make a booking on Thursday prior to the Saturday Market. Allocation of sites will be in the order the phone call is received.
- Casual sites must be paid for and set up before 7am.
- All Stallholders are required to keep strictly to the site they have been allocated. And stay within the marked lines. Do not display goods beyond your site limits.
- Permanent stallholders must pay the first Saturday of each month.
- Permanent sites which have not been setup prior to 7am will be reallocated to Casuals. There will be no refund or credits.
- Each stallholder shall be responsible for their own rubbish. NO RUBBISH is to be left in the public bins or bins surrounding the Town Centre. Stallholders disregarding this will be evicted and banned from any further access to the Market.
- The Management reserves the right to deny access to any person or restrict the type of goods being offered for sale.
- Persons selling goods or produce inside the Market without approval will be evicted immediately and banned.
- Sites both Casual and Permanent remain under the control of Management at all times and cannot be sub let without permission.
- The Management will not be responsible for the loss, damage or injury to any Vehicle or person within the Market confines.
- No movement of vehicles will be allowed inside the market after 7am to maintain order in affair and friendly environment Management reserves the right to protect its stallholders at all times.
- The canvassing by groups or individuals is forbidden within the confines of the market. Only legitimate stallholder holding a current receipt will be allowed to display or sell goods form a site which has been allocated to them.
- Trespass notices will be issued against offenders.
Casual Booking Contact 2756077
9AM Till 12 Noon